Water purification information

Do you know Commercial water purification equipment ?They are not as simple as you think!

Views : 9942
Author : Susan
Update time : 2024-08-07 14:55:44
Do you know Commercial water purification equipments ?They are not as simple as you think!

Do you often see a device similar to a water purifier in commercial places such as hotels, restaurants, offices, schools, etc. It has a large water tank with several taps on it, which can provide water at different temperatures such as cold, hot, warm, and normal temperature. Do you think it is just an ordinary water purifier?

If you think so, you are wrong. It is actually a high-end water treatment equipment called commercial water purification equipment. It can not only filter out impurities, bacteria, heavy metals and other harmful substances in the water, but also adjust the temperature, hardness, pH value and other parameters of the water according to different needs, making the water healthier, more delicious and suitable.

So, how does commercial water purification equipment do this? What are its functions and advantages? How should we choose and use it? This article will unveil the mystery of commercial water purification equipment for you, let you understand its principles, functions, advantages, selection and use methods, and make your commercial drinking water safer, more comfortable and efficient.

Working principle and process of commercial water purification equipment

The working principle of commercial water purification equipment is mainly to use reverse osmosis technology to separate harmful substances from beneficial substances in water, and then add beneficial substances back to water according to different needs, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying and improving water quality.

Reverse osmosis technology is a technology that uses the selective permeability of semipermeable membranes to separate water and solutes. Semipermeable membranes are thin films that only allow water molecules to pass through, but not other substances. When the water pressure on both sides is not equal, water molecules will penetrate from the low-pressure side to the high-pressure side. This phenomenon is called osmosis. When the water pressure on the high-pressure side exceeds a certain limit, the penetration direction of water molecules will reverse, from the high-pressure side to the low-pressure side. This phenomenon is called reverse osmosis.

The working process of commercial water purification equipment is mainly divided into the following steps:

►Pretreatment: The tap water is filtered through multiple stages to remove large molecular impurities such as mud, rust, residual chlorine, and organic matter in the water to protect the life and effect of the reverse osmosis membrane.

►Reverse osmosis: The pre-treated water is pressurized by a high-pressure pump and sent to the reverse osmosis membrane assembly. Small molecular impurities such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, etc. in the water are intercepted on the high-pressure side to form wastewater discharge, while water molecules pass through the reverse osmosis membrane to form pure water and enter the low-pressure side and are stored in the pure water tank.

►Post-treatment: The water in the pure water tank passes through the post-activated carbon filter to remove odor and residual gas in the water, and improve the taste and quality of the water. At the same time, according to different needs, the temperature, hardness, pH value and other parameters of the water can be adjusted by heating, cooling, softening, mineralization, etc., making the water healthier, more delicious and suitable.

►Water outlet: The post-treated water is provided to users for drinking or use through a faucet or a water cup machine.

Main functions and features of commercial water purification equipment

The main function of commercial water purification equipment is to provide high-quality drinking water for commercial places, meet different water needs, and improve water efficiency and safety. The main features of commercial water purification equipment are as follows:

Purification function: Commercial water purification equipment can effectively remove harmful substances in water, such as bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, pesticides, etc., to ensure the hygiene and safety of water and avoid the risk of water source pollution and secondary pollution.

Improvement function: Commercial water purification equipment can adjust water temperature, hardness, pH value and other parameters according to different water needs, making water healthier, more delicious and suitable. For example, it can provide water at different temperatures such as cold, hot, warm and room temperature to meet different drinking and use scenarios; it can reduce the hardness of water, reduce the formation of scale and extend the life of water utensils through softening water treatment; it can increase the beneficial minerals in water and improve the nutrition and quality of water through mineralization water treatment.

Energy-saving function: Commercial water purification equipment can automatically adjust the operating status according to water consumption and water use time, realize intelligent and energy-saving management, reduce energy consumption and cost, and improve operating efficiency and life.

Convenient function: Commercial water purification equipment can be conveniently provided to users for drinking or use through faucets or water cup machines, without the need to install water pipes or buckets, saving space and time, and improving the convenience and comfort of water use.

The above are my answers to some questions about commercial water purification equipment, I hope it can help you. If you have other questions about water treatment, please leave a message in the comment area, I will try my best to reply. If you find my article useful, please give me a like, follow my official account, and watch more water treatment knowledge. Thank you for reading, and I wish you a happy life!
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